How to get your COMPOUND SHOTS! Step by step made easy!

Day 568 | The Answer to Supply Shortage! In this live talk, I discuss the frequently asked questions about telehealth providers, and finding compounded medications like tirzepatide and semaglutide for weight loss! Video link: TIPS TO FIND A SAFE COMPOUNDING PHARMACY


Exploring Telehealth: Accessing Compounded Medications

In today’s healthcare landscape, telehealth has become an essential tool, especially for those seeking specialized treatments like compounded medications. During a recent June live talk, the host discussed the growing reliance on telehealth for obtaining these medications, addressing common concerns and offering guidance on navigating this modern healthcare solution.

The Rise of Telehealth

Telehealth, the use of digital information and communication technologies to access healthcare services remotely, has revolutionized the way patients receive care. It offers convenience, accessibility, and often a broader range of options than traditional in-person visits. This is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking compounded medications, which are customized pharmaceuticals prepared to meet unique patient needs when commercial drugs are unavailable or unsuitable.

Addressing Pharmacy Supply Issues

One of the critical issues discussed during the live talk was the current shortage of popular weight loss medications like Tirzepatide (Manjaro and Zeep Bound) and Semaglutide (Wegovy and Ozempic). These shortages have led many patients to explore compounded versions of these drugs. Compounded medications are prepared by specialized pharmacies to replicate the effects of brand-name drugs, providing a viable alternative when commercial supplies run low.

Navigating Telehealth for Compounded Medications

  1. Local Route:
    • Consulting Local Doctors: The first step is to consult a local healthcare provider. If they prescribe compounded medications, they can direct you to a reputable local compounding pharmacy.
    • Finding a Compounding Pharmacy: Some local pharmacies specialize in compounding and can prepare medications like compounded Tirzepatide and Semaglutide. Your doctor or local threads can provide recommendations.
  2. Online Route:
    • Telehealth Providers: Many patients opt for telehealth services to access compounded medications. Telehealth doctors can prescribe these medications after a remote consultation, and the prescriptions are often filled by online compounding pharmacies.
    • Cost Considerations: These services typically cost between $275 and $400 per month. Some providers offer lower rates if you commit to a multi-month supply. While most providers do not accept insurance, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) can often be used to cover these expenses.

Choosing the Right Telehealth Provider

During the live talk, the host highlighted two telehealth providers with positive reviews:

  • Emerge: A larger company known for smooth transactions and reliable service.
  • MD by the Sea: A smaller provider praised for personalized care and excellent bedside manner.

Making Informed Decisions

Patients are encouraged to conduct thorough research and consult with their doctors to determine the best course of action. Whether choosing a local or online route, it’s crucial to ensure that the compounding pharmacy is reputable and capable of preparing the medication safely.


Telehealth has opened new doors for patients needing compounded medications, offering a practical solution amidst pharmacy supply issues. By leveraging telehealth services, patients can access the treatments they need with convenience and confidence.

For more information on telehealth and compounded medications, visit the American Telemedicine Association.

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