WHAT’S IN THE NEWS?? Generic brands, More positive side effects, and New GLP-1s

Day 575 | Catch up on the latest weight loss news! Learn about new generic drugs, great news on sleep studies, and exciting medications coming. Plus, a peek at beautiful Ireland.


‘Skinny jabs’: weight-loss drugs set for new boom as generic versions emerge | Pharmaceuticals industry | The Guardian

Teva Confirms Generic Victoza® Patent Challenge in the United States

Lilly’s tirzepatide reduced obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity, with up to 51.5% of participants meeting the criteria for disease resolution | Eli Lilly and Company



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Amy is not a medical professional, so please refrain from substituting the content of this video and website for professional medical guidance. The materials provided here are intended solely for educational purposes. It is important that you seek advice from your healthcare provider for any medical concerns or inquiries.

3 thoughts on “WHAT’S IN THE NEWS?? Generic brands, More positive side effects, and New GLP-1s”

  1. Amy, thank you so much for staying on top of all the news and sharing it with us. My DH has been on Victoza for quite a few years and this year our insurance denied coverage, this is for T2. They gave him a list of several alternatives he needed to try to “adjust” to, which at our ages is hard for him. I shared with him your news about possibly being able to get a generic version now. He will be getting in touch with our primary care doctor to request she submit a script for the new generic and fingers crossed our carrier will cover this medication.

    1. Oh good good good! It’s great when your body is already used to a certain product, and with supply issues… The generic brings more of the supply and at a lower cost.🥳 As time goes on, it’s going to be fun to see more of these generics roll out! Thanks for the kind comment and we’re pulling for him!

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