Oral Tirzepatide: Is the Pill or Shot Better?

Day 540 on Mounjaro| Let’s delve into all the buzz around oral tirzepatide. Are you curious about this potential alternative to the injectable version? We’ll discuss its effectiveness, safety, and how it compares to other weight loss medications. Research links: National Institute of Health, CNBC, Clinical Trials Arena

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My name is Amy Denae and I tried for over 30 years to get healthy. That changed on December 1, 2022. Thanks Mounjaro! Since Day 1, I have shared my journey on this amazing life changing medicine. I love researching and bringing relevant topics to our Community Website! Thanks for watching! Much Love, amy2.0

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MONTH 3 (Start 184, End 175, 9 lbs lost, BMI 29)

MONTH 4 (Start 175, End 170, 5 lbs lost, BMI 27)

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MONTH 6 (Start 167, End 158, 9 lbs lost) HIT GOAL WEIGHT!

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MONTHS 8-18 MAINTENANCE! 145-155 lbs maintained for 76 WEEKS!!


Understanding Oral Tirzepatide: A Promising Development in Diabetes and Weight Loss Management

Oral tirzepatide has generated significant interest as a potential game-changer in the fields of diabetes management and weight loss. For those familiar with the injectable version, this new development promises the convenience of a pill without compromising efficacy. This article delves into the details of oral tirzepatide, comparing it with other popular medications, and examining its potential benefits and challenges.

Background on Tirzepatide and Semaglutide

Tirzepatide and semaglutide are two leading medications that have shown remarkable results in weight loss and diabetes management. Tirzepatide, the active ingredient in popular drugs like Zepbound and Mounjaro, combines GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) receptor agonists, offering stronger results in clinical trials compared to GLP-1 alone.

Semaglutide, on the other hand, is a well-established GLP-1 receptor agonist available both as an injection and in an FDA-approved oral form known as Rybelsus. Rybelsus has proven effective, lowering A1C levels and contributing to significant weight loss.

The Promise of Oral Tirzepatide

The primary appeal of oral tirzepatide lies in its potential to offer the benefits of its injectable counterpart in a more convenient form. However, several questions need to be addressed to establish its efficacy and safety:

  1. Effectiveness: The effectiveness of oral tirzepatide compared to the injectable form is a significant concern. Unlike semaglutide, there is currently no published research on the efficacy of oral tirzepatide, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.
  2. Absorption and Dosage: Oral medications often require higher doses to achieve the same effect as injections due to lower absorption rates. Understanding the required dosage and how the drug is metabolized is crucial for determining its viability.
  3. Safety and Side Effects: Potential side effects and the safety profile of oral tirzepatide need thorough investigation. The impact of the medication on the digestive tract and its interaction with other medications must be carefully studied.

Comparisons with Oral Semaglutide (Rybelsus)

Rybelsus has set a precedent for oral diabetes medications. Clinical trials have shown that oral semaglutide is effective in lowering A1C levels by an average of 2.2 percentage points and achieving an average weight loss of 10%. For non-diabetic participants, weight loss exceeded 17% after 68 weeks. These results demonstrate that oral GLP-1 receptor agonists can be highly effective.

Future Developments and Research

Pharmaceutical companies are actively exploring the potential of oral diabetes medications. Eli Lilly, for instance, is developing an oral drug called orforglipron, targeting GLP-1. Late-stage trial data is expected in 2025, highlighting the ongoing efforts to innovate in this space.

It’s important to note that the development and approval process for new medications is rigorous. Pfizer’s recent discontinuation of an experimental pill due to potential interactions and elevated liver enzymes underscores the importance of extensive testing and regulatory oversight.


Oral tirzepatide represents a promising advancement in diabetes and weight loss management. However, much remains to be understood about its efficacy, safety, and optimal dosage. Patients interested in this new medication should consult their healthcare providers and stay informed about ongoing research and clinical trials.

For more information on diabetes medications and recent developments, visit the American Diabetes Association.

4 thoughts on “Oral Tirzepatide: Is the Pill or Shot Better?”

    1. Hi Sheree!!! Yeah, we were talking about it on last night’s Discord call. There’s a lot of clinical trials going on right now with the pill form

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